core I7

Intel® Processor NamePrevious Generation Intel® Core™2 Quad processor Q9650Previous Generation Intel® Core™ i7-920 ProcessorPrevious Generation Intel® Core™ i7-950 Processor
Processor speed3.00GHz2.66GHz3.06GHz
Processor to memory busFront Side Bus @ 1333MHzN/AN/A
Processor interconnectN/AIntel® Quick-Path-Interconnect @ 4.8GT/sIntel® QuickPath Interconnect @ 4.8GT/s
Processor secondary cache2x6MB Level 2 cache4x256KB Level 2 cache4x256KB Level 2 cache
Processor third level cacheN/AUnified 8MB L3Unified 8MB L3
Motherboard manufacturerAsus* P5E3 Premium boardAsus* P6T DeluxeAsus P6T Deluxe
ChipsetIntel® X48 Express ChipsetIntel® X58 Express ChipsetIntel X58 Express Chipset
Chipset INF fileIntel® INF INF® INF
Platform BIOSBIOS 0505BIOS 0703BIOS 1303
Intel® Hyper Threading technologyN/AONON
Intel® Turbo Boost technologyN/AONON
System memory2 channel 4GB (4x1GB) Corsair CM3X1024-1333C9DHX* DDR3-1333 9-9-9 clocked down to DDR3-12003 channel 12 GB (6x2GB) Samsung M378B5673DZ1-CF8 DDR3-1066 7-7-7-203 channel 12 GB (6x2GB) Samsung M378B5673DZ1-CF8 DDR3-1066 7-7-7-20
Hard diskIntel® X25-M SATA Solid-State Drive (80GB SSD SATA2)Intel X25-M SATA Solid-State Drive (80GB SSD SATA2)Intel X25-M SATA Solid-State Drive (80GB SSD SATA2)
Video card1 x GTX 280 PCIe*1 x GTX 280 PCIe1 x GTX 280 PCIe
Video driver versionnVidia NV177.41*nVidia NV177.41nVidia NV180.48
Graphics resolution1280 x 1024 resolution, 32-bit color1280 x 1024 resolution, 32-bit color1280 x 1024 resolution, 32-bit color
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows Vista* Ultimate 64 bit, on NTFSMicrosoft Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit, on NTFSMicrosoft Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit, on NTFS
Compiler verisonIntel® Compiler v11.0 32-bit binariesIntel Compiler v11.0 32-bit binariesIntel Compiler v11.0 32-bit binaries
Microsoft DirectX* versionMicrosoft DirectX* 10Microsoft DirectX 10Microsoft DirectX 10


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